Monday, January 4, 2010


I am your average teenager that has lived in Australia, Fiji, Malaysia, the US and now currently resides in Australia, again. I also love to read. A lot. And I read pretty much everything. I have no particularly favorite genre; or at least it changes a lot. I read whatever I can get my hands on. Old and new; fiction and non-fiction; famous and unknown; I read 'em all. And I frequently find myself wishing I had someone to tell about the books I read. So, one day, I thought, I'm going to make a blog.
I must aforemention that there's going to be absolutely no rhyme or reason to my selections. It's going to be whatever someone lent me or whatever was in my local library's very limited selection.
And so it begins...


  1. Ulia-jay! I remembered my gmail account! Yay!

    This blog looks pretty cool... maybe I could make a videogame one. I don't read very often, as I've been reading Brinsgr since Christmas, and before then I was reading another book that I never really got into, and didn't finish.

    ...I never knew you lived in Fiji and Malaysia! You get to be rich there, right?

    ANYWAYS, I'm looking forward to seeing your Midnight Sun review.. C:

    OR ELSE.

  2. I am definitely trying to read Midnight Sun as fast as I can just for you, Jeremy!
    And I'll get that review out ASAP ; ]

  3. BOO! :D. Hey Jeremy, I went too Fiji for a holiday.. everything costs 50 times more. Petrol was $1.78 a litre and a 200ml bottle of sunscreen lotion was 70$. And I'm not saying the prices in Fijian Currency, I converted it to Australian. Oh and I don't know about Malaysia..

  4. Oh well, generally in Malaysia they're a larger gap between rich and poor people, so if you have any money at all pretty much, you're rich and get servants and stuff. Or so I have gathered.

  5. I can't vouch for the socio-economic standing of Malaysia but I do know it's like that in India. If you have money, you're rich.
