Monday, January 4, 2010

An Extreme Event: Updated Edition by Debbie Whitmont

A brief description of events: It's the story of the survivors of the 1998 Sydney to Hobart yacht race and what happened during their horrifying time battling the Bass Strait.
I got the book because my dad's cousin's husband heard that I'd read Braveheart and thought I, therefore, enjoyed tales of the sea. Which I don't. But this one changed my mind a little bit. It reads quickly which I love but you have to pay a lot of attention to dates and times if you want the story to really make sense to you and I don't like books like that.
But the way the author, Debbie Whitmont, blends all of the sailors' and witnesses' stories together into one coherrent tale is beyond me.
I found myself feeling actual fear for the men in the book. I prayed that they made it through and I worried when I heard of another injury or another death or another boat found empty. The only comfort I had was when the author quoted a man after the race, then I knew that they must have made it.
I also really appreciated that the book not only gave the happenings of the 1998 race, it also gave brief histories of yachting and yacht racing in general which gave me more information to go on as I read.
All in all, it's an excellent read if you're a yachtie or just like to read about them and it's a pretty great story for the rest of us!

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